Why Sticky Change?



Why Us?
The two principal Sticky Change consultants have experienced the turbulent waves of change in many organisations. We have experienced it as employees, driven it as senior managers, and co-ordinated it as both internal and external consultants.
So What
We are well qualified to understand the impact of change from different stakeholder positions and we have built this knowledge into the way we do business with you and for you, in order to ensure that you get “change that works, sticks and is sustainable”
We are well qualified in the professional arenas of business consultancy, training, facilitation and executive coaching as well as the underpinning psychological aspects of Change.
So What
We’ve worked hard at being good at what we do and can back up our advice with proven research, wide experience and a genuine understanding of the way people are.
We love learning!
So What
We constantly grow our skills, stay at the leading edge of our field which in turn helps us to deliver engaging best practice bespoke solutions to our clients’ current challenges and the reality of the environments they work in
Our current Net Promoter Score it 9.2 and 96% of our clients come to us through referrals from other satisfied clients.
So What
We build strong long lasting working relationships with our clients, who recognise the value we bring and appreciate our focus on ensuring we meet their specific needs. As a result they are happy to refer us on to their colleagues, friends and family members. We have even been asked to coach an IT Manager working in the Legal Sector after his wife, working in the Utility Sector, was delighted with our work together!