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Team Development


With boat loads (technical term) of experience in both managing teams themselves and supporting other people to manage theirs, Sticky Change consultants have found the following elements are critical to building productive and results focused teams:


  • Ensuring that there is clarity around the vision and purpose of the team, and the critical success factors involved, and that everyone understands and buys into the vision

  • That high levels of awareness of self and others are actively encouraged; which in turn should lead to the appreciation of individual difference and how the team members can work together effectively

  • Ensuring clarity around roles and responsibilities and being aware of and recognising the collective team strengths – both those already present and those that are required

  • That communication is seen as the responsibility of all in the team and ownership fostered and encouraged; and that the decision making processes are consensual where possible, fostering buy in and commitment

  • That inter and intra personal relationships are deemed to be really important and unhelpful emotions are dealt with sympathetically but fairly

In all cases, Sticky Change works with its organisations to construct programmes that develop high performing teams, which incorporate the above factors into business as usual for the team.




To quote the HR Director of a Company in the Aerospace Sector:


    "I engaged with Sticky Change in August 2012 to help plan a 12 month programme of quarterly events to support a very new 

    Executive team come together as quickly as possible, given the scale of the transformation programme ahead of us. As well as

    working with us as a team, Sticky Change provides 1:1 coaching for a number of the Exec members and we consider them to be

    our virtual Organisational Design partner.  I always find their insightfulness is spot on and the quality of their work is highly 

    professional.  I wouldn"t hesitate to recommend them."  


   To quote Avril Scott, Chief HR Office from Kantar Profiles:


       "I’ve worked with the Sticky Change team for over 15 years, as highly trusted partners. 

        Their subject matter expertise makes them extremely credible with senior leaders, with whom they create a

        psychologically safe environment, to enable them to open up and build their self awareness.

        Their facilitation skills are excellent, allowing groups to do effective and challenging work. 

        The results of Sticky Change interventions remain long after the projects have completed – they really do

        create ‘sticky change’.

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