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Leadership Development


In the current economic climate leadership is of vital importance in setting direction, and enabling people to give of their best and deliver results, usually with fewer resources and within tight timelines. Our work is supportive of both established and developing leaders.


Our courses offer the latest approaches in leadership theory and techniques, while emphasising the importance of developing a personally authentic style. Attributes that we focus on include ones that, on the face of it, are difficult to learn, such as:


  • Authenticity – being the human being you are really capable of being

  • Influence - understanding the power of the leaders values, mindset and behaviour

  • Courage – challenging the status quo, trusting your own judgement and speaking out

  • Self-awareness - developing a heightened self-awareness of personal impact, style and charisma

  • Visionary – building and articulating your powerful message

  • Inspiring - developing the ability to engage your people and inspire them to follow you

  • Trustworthy – demonstrating that you can be trusted and are not focused on your personal needs


Bespoke programmes are designed to address the specific culture and interests of our clients, and we are totally flexible in how and when we deliver training programmes.


As with all our training, the workshops are highly interactive, energetic and thought provoking. We introduce our participants to a particular leadership theory or model and give them time to debate its practical application.


To quote the HR manager of a manufacturing company

"Sticky Change delivered four training modules tailored to the learning needs of a group of six leaders who came from very different backgrounds and had very different levels of management experience. With almost 30 years in the Human Resources and Training world and having attended a variety of similar training over the years I have to advise that the four modules absolutely hit the target and that coupled with the style of delivery were nothing short of first class. I would say that this training are as good as it gets!!"

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