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Change Management


Research tells us that 70% of change strategies within organisations fail to provide the desired outcome on time and within budget; and everyone has a depressing story of change initiatives that are ill conceived, badly managed and cause a great deal of discontent. We work closely with our clients to ensure that the changes they are making are suitably envisioned, implemented so they are sustained over time, contains the resistance and minimises the discontent.


As consultants, the Sticky Change interventions ensure clients prepare their people for change, minimise the typical dip in performance that can be experienced, enable teams and individuals to adapt to changes as smoothly as possible and limit the resistance. As facilitators, we work with management teams to support them in implementing practical action plans that will enable them to do change WITH their employees rather than TO them. As trainers, we deliver interactive training and development interventions that enable executive teams, managers and individual contributors to accept change themselves and encourage their colleagues to do so too. Training programmes vary from a 1 day introduction to a 5 day in-depth training course in facilitating change. Our change training portfolio includes the following:


  • Sponsoring Change for Senior Leaders

  • Managing Change for Line Managers

  • Facilitating Change for Change Agents – such as Project Managers and HR Professionals

  • Embracing Change for Individual Contributors being impacted by change


As coaches we work on a one to one - and team - basis to support our clients through organisational change and help them manage their own reactions to change, as well as those of their people.


Our work is extensively grounded in change management theory and all interventions we undertake are tailor made to meet your specific needs – we do not deliver off-the-shelf packaged solutions. Even if you just contract with us to train people in a specific skill area, we will discuss with you what needs to happen to ensure that the learning, and embedding the skills, doesn"t come to a stop after the event.


To quote one of our clients for whom we delivered a 5 day facilitating change training course for the Business Change Project Managers in the Financial Services Sector:

"The biggest benefit of the Sticky Change initiative is the way that Project Managers now communicate about projects. People now expect change to happen rather than it being a surprise. People are now informed of the rationale behind projects in advance and that makes a big difference because they value communication and actively engage in the change with us. Demand from people wishing to work on projects has increased and project meetings have become much more energised and engaging. More people are now involved in the change process at a much earlier stage and are better at planning for problems before they arise. Projects are therefore completed faster, which results in more accurate cost forecasts and more creative ideas are generated to move the business forward."

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